Call For papers: Special issue on global approaches to family social work research

Journal: Research on Social Work Practice
Deadline for abstracts: 30th September, 2020
Anticipated publication date of full special issue: 1st Quarter, 2021

Social workers are at the frontlines of service provision aimed at alleviating social ills. This requires continues research to inform policy and evaluate the effect of interventions. Problems related to substance use, domestic violence, child neglect, social inequalities, etc. are also exacerbated during global crisis as we find today. Studies on these and other social issues are necessary to understand how best to link research, policy, and practice to achieve the stated aims of social work practice in local and global settings.


We hope to gather scientific papers from around the world that presents the local perspectives of each author and how they can be applied globally. This special issue will be published in one of the foremost outlets of social work research, Research on Social Work Practice (RSWP).

Topics of interest

Papers that satisfy the general requirements of RSWP are invited and may cover any of the following topics:
•    Research on social work with families
•    Research on cooperation in child and family services provision
•    Theoretical and practical context to services supporting families in local environments
•    Social innovation and modern technology as a tool to improving social work services
•    Research on the design, implementation, and evaluation of family services
•    Research on alternative approaches to social work
•    Systematic reviews topics related to child and family welfare

Note: Abstracts of papers must be sent to the guest editor for pre-review to determine suitability.

Submission guidelines:

•    All papers that will be included in the special issue will have to be prepared in strict APA style.
•    Manuscripts should first be sent to the guest editor, Jarosław Przeperski, PhD at jprzeperskiat[4][3][2][1]umk [dot] pl for an initial review. Please note that this initial assessment is to ensure the manuscript covers the topics and themes of the special issue.
•    After assessment by the guest editor, authors of appropriate manuscripts will be advised to submit their work to the journal. The manuscripts will undergo the usual blind reviews to determine the quality and suitability to the scope of the journal.
•    Upon a successful review, the paper will be published online.
•    The special issue will be compiled after all the accepted papers have been published.

Special Issue Guest Editor
Jarosław Przeperski, PhD
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Email: jprzeperskiat[4][3][2][1]umk [dot] pl

RSWP Journal Editor
Bruce A. Thyer, PhD
Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
Email: Bthyerat[4][3][2][1]fsu [dot] edu

Journal information:
Research on Social Work Practice (RSWP) is published 8 times a year, and articles appearing in it are picked up by all the major abstracting (e.g., PsycINFO) and indexing (e.g., the Web-of-Science) services. The journal's 2018 one-year impact factor was 1.27. It is received by over 10,000 individual and institutional subscribers, and over 300,000 PDF articles are downloaded from its website annually.

Appropriate submissions must fall into one the following three categories:
1.    Empirical outcome studies of social work practice. In terms of research methodology, reports using either group or single system research designs are equally welcome, as are articles presenting quantitative or qualitative methods. A variety of genuinely relevant theoretical models or conceptual frameworks derived from behavioral science are welcome, as are outcome studies not clearly derived from any theoretical approach. Creative studies are encouraged, as are empirical evaluations of the outcomes of social policies, community- or educational interventions.
2.    Systematic reviews or meta-analyses of the research-based foundations (or lack thereof) of various psychosocial interventions (e.g., assertive community treatment, a social policy), or evidence-based reviews of what is known about effectively helping clients experiencing disorders or problems (e.g., unemployment, abuse, major depression). Systematic reviews of the reliability and validity of assessment measures are also welcome.

The following types of articles are not appropriate submissions for this journal: Survey studies, correlational investigations, methodological works, psychometric studies, opinion pieces, retrospective predictor studies, philosophical or conceptual works, theoretical papers, descriptive studies or needs assessments. The journal does not impose any page limits on the length of submissions, and an open access publication option is available.

Information on submission guidelines to RSWP can be found at
For further clarification, contact the Guest Editor, Jarosław Przeperski, PhD at jprzeperskiat[4][3][2][1]umk [dot] pl


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